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Game Content Creation #3: League of Legends Beginner's Tutorials

       Overview: In depth look at tutorial challenges to teach beginner League of Legends players the basic game mechanics. These challenges have varying levels of difficulty and reward the player for completing them. The goal of these tutorials is to raise the overall skill level of the community and decrease the learning curve, which is getting steeper with each champion release.

             Being a new player can suck. Being a new player in League of Legends will suck. A lot. When you first install League of Legends, you play a tutorial that confuses more than it teaches, then you are off to fight on your own; a handful of champions, no masteries, no runes, and no idea what to do. I’d like to propose a series of rewarding challenges, structured like those in StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty, that incentivize learning the fundamentals of the game.


            These challenges will be map specific and will reward tactical play. The concepts that these challenges will cover (subject to change) are: last hitting, dodging skill shots, and adaptive item builds. There will be a variety of difficulties with one-time IP rewards, though the challenges can be replayed. I am assuming the much desired change that tier 1 and tier 2 runes simply get removed from the game, and tier 3 runes are accessible at all levels.


When the challenges are completed on all difficulties, I believe that a player should be able to buy the following:

-One rune page (6300 IP)

-Five Champions @ 1350 IP each (~6750 IP)

-One whole tier 3 rune page: 24600 IP

            -Page Cost: 6300 IP

            -Sample Mark Cost: 9 * 820 = 7380 IP

            -Sample Mark Cost: 9 * 410 = 3690 IP

            -Sample Glyph Cost: 9 * 820 = 7380 IP

            -Sample Quintessence Cost: 3 * 2050 = 6150 IP


TOTAL: 37650 IP 


My proposed tutorial reward plan will get the player 36,000 of this IP, with the rest of the IP coming from the games themselves. While low level players cannot take advantage of all of the rune slots, having the runes to use as they level up is better than having to spend all the IP from your games on runes.



Tutorial Rewards
Rewards for each tutorial.

Tutorial Breakdown:


Last Hitting:

               This is probably the easiest tutorial to implement. Simply have a minion kill goal to pass the tutorial, and for example have 6 waves (6+6+7+6+6+7 = 38 total) that spawn on Howling Abyss from each side. A time limit should be implemented that expires soon after the seventh wave spawns.

Easy: No enemy champion present, simply reach 20 minion kills before the time is up.

Medium: Enemy champion attempts to harass the player; the new goal is 30 minions.

Hard: Enemy champion attempts to harass the player. Fewer minions spawn from the player’s side, so the player must last hit under turret. The goal remains at 30 minions.


Dodge Skill Shots:

            This tutorial can take place on Howling Abyss. No minions will spawn and turrets are disabled. The player must reach circle or ‘goal’ to pass which is located past the last NPC. NPCs will be placed in the middle of the bridge, cannot move and will only attempt one skill shot each. The NPCs will be randomly triggered regarding when to shoot a skill shot at the player, who has 1 health meaning being hit causes death.

Easy: 3 skill shot champions, slow projectile speed, boots of swiftness in player’s inventory.

Medium: 4 skill shot champions, slow/medium projectile speed, Ninja Tabi in player’s inventory

Hard: 5 skill shot champions, medium/fast projectile speed, boots of speed in player’s inventory


Item Builds:

            This tutorial will guide a player through a 1v1 on Howling Abyss versus a NPC. Passive gold will be doubled to assist with the lack of minion kill gold that can be assumed with a new player. There will be only a few build paths possible, and the player must build these items in the specific order listed to pass the test. Each time the player shops, the items that he/she buys must match the recommended items that are normally provided. If a correct item is purchased, a dialog box is shown to explain why the choice is good. Likewise, if an item is purchased that does not match a recommended item, a dialog box will explain why the item is not beneficial on their champion.

Easy: Boot type, and two core items not including item actives.

Medium: Boot type with enchantment, three core items one of which must be defensive.

Hard: Boot type with enchantment, three core items one of which must be defensive. Includes item actives if applicable, and explains when to use them.



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