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Game Design Strategy #4: Analyzing and Creating Content with "Balance Points"

Overview: Balancing a game is never an easy task. Devising a formula is one surefire way to create equal balance among every game element. I am going to reverse engineer the way each card (from Hearthstone) in the sample below was most likely balanced, then use that information to generate a new random card of equal power.     

Sample Cards & Stat Breakdown

In the following analysis, I am going to determine the value (in terms of "balance points" ) of each card's stats in respect to its mana cost. Attack and Health will be the base stats, each with a balance point of one. Setting up and solving algebraic equations allows me to isolate the balance point value of each other new stat that appears on a different card.

Chillwind Yeti
Art Content by Blizzard Entertainment

Chillwind Yeti

Image: Source


Stat Breakdown:

Attack: 4 = 4 Balance Points

Health: 5 = 5 Balance Points

Attribute(s): None

Mana Cost: 4 Mana


Mana Efficiency: 9/4 = 2.25 Balance Points/Mana 

Kor'kron Elite
Art Content by Blizzard Entertainment

Kor'kron Elite

Image: Source


Stat Breakdown:

Attack: 4 = 4 Balance Points

Health: 3 = 3 Balance Points

Attribute(s): Charge = x Balance Point(s)

Mana Cost: 4 Mana


To solve for x, use above information and assume perfect balance among minion cards:


Mana Efficiency: (4 + 3 + x) / 4 = 2.25 Balance Points/Mana 

4 + 3 + x = 9, thus x = 2

Charge Attribute = 2 Balance Points

Sen'jin Shieldmasta
Art Content by Blizzard Entertainment

Sen'jin Shieldmasta 

Image: Source


Stat Breakdown:

Attack: 3 = 3 Balance Points

Health: 5 = 5 Balance Points

Attribute(s): Taunt = x Balance Point(s)

Mana Cost: 4 Mana


To solve for x, use above information and assume perfect balance among minion cards:


Mana Efficiency: (3 + 5 + x) / 4 = 2.25 Balance Points/Mana 

(3 + 5 + x) = 9, thus x = 1

Taunt Attribute = 1 Balance Point

Creating a New Card with Balance Points

Now that we know the following information:

Mana Efficiency: 2.25 Balance Points/Mana

Attack: 1 Balance Point

Health: 1 Balance Point

Charge: 2 Balance Points

Taunt : 1 Balance Point


            We can easily create new content guaranteed to be statistically balanced. For example:


Maniacal Axe Wielder

Mana Cost: 4

Attack: 2

Health: 4

Charge: 2

Taunt: 1


Total Balance Points: 9

Mana Cost: 4

Mana Efficiency: 2.25 (same as other minions above)


Foreseen Problems

          Using formulas is nice and all, but the balance points alone cannot guarantee anything more than statistical balance. A card with charge is stronger with 5 attack and 1 health than 1 attack and 5 health. It is up to the designer’s best judgment to fine tune the synergy of a card’s stats and purpose in the game. Furthermore, how many balance points is the Battlecry of the Shattered Sun Cleric worth? Perhaps 2 (1 attack + 1 health)?  What about the Battlecry of the Crazed Alchemist? At this point, one cannot depend on formulas, but rather experience and intuition.

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