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Game Content Creation #4: Hearthstone Keywords: Sorcery

         Overview: This will be the first of many blog posts about new keywords that Hearthstone is missing. While there is no immediate issue with the lack of meaningful keywords, expanding the list of in-game keywords can open up future design space. Keywords are an ideal way to improve brevity and readability of card text. Concise card text allows for more complex interactions by decreasing the amount of text required to explain the game's mechanics. 



The first keyword on my list is Sorcery, which triggers whenever the player casts a spell:




Below are some examples on minions that already use this trigger and could benefit from having more concise card text.

Gadgetzan Auctioneer
Mana Addict
Wicked Witchdoctor


I took it upon myself to not only overwrite existing card text but create cards of my own that exemplify Sorcery:

Mystic Wolf
Divine Healer
Mad Magician

Mystic Wolf is a great example of how combining keywords can really improve the readability of a card. Without the keywords Sorcery and Charge, the text would read "Whenever you cast a spell, give this minion the ability to attack the turn it is summoned." Quite an impressive difference if you ask me.  

Thanks for Reading!

Thanks for taking a look at my first new keyword design. I have plenty more to share in the weeks to come. 


Disclaimer: All card art used in this blog is the property of Blizzard Entertainment. I do not claim ownership of any assets (art or otherwise). 


Cards were generated using



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