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My Completed Games


Status: Completed

Description: 2.5D Orthogonal city demolition game with local highscores

Development Date: May 2018

Development Timeline: 5 days

Team Size: 6

My Position: Designer + Programmer

My Responsibilities: Level Design/Set Dressing + Physics/UI/Audio Engineering

Language: C#

Platform: PC

Download Game:
Compressed Archive in ZIP Format 21.8 MB

Gameplay Video - (fullscreen recommended): 

The Device

Status: Completed

Description: 2D top-down swarm defense with character and level progression

Development Date: Spring 2013 - Winter 2014

Development Timeline: 9 months

Team Size: 14

My Position: Lead Designer

My Responsibilities: Level and Item Design

Language: Java

Platform: Android / iOS

Game Design Document: View in GoogleDocs


Gameplay Video - (fullscreen recommended): 


Status: Completed

Description: 2D Top-down space defense shooter for Winter Game Jam 2012

Development Date: Winter 2012

Development Timeline: 7 days

Team Size: 12

My Position: Designer / Programmer

My Responsibilities:

  • Skill Tree Design, Balance, and Implementation
  • Enemy Spawner Balance

Language: C#

Platform: PC

Game Design Document: View in GoogleDocs 

Download Game:

Compressed Archive in ZIP Format 15.3 MB

Gameplay Video (fullscreen recommended):


Status: Completed

Description: 2D Turn-based future warfare card game

Development Date: Spring 2012

Development Timeline: 10 weeks

Team Size: 5 - no artist ):

My Position: Programmer

My Responsibilities:

  • Card Effect Implementation
  • Pre-made Deck Design & Creation

Language: C# / Javascript

Platform: PC

Game Design Document: View in GoogleDocs

Download Game:

*Note*: I strongly advise reading over the GDD for the rules and card descriptions before attempting to play.

Compressed Archive in ZIP Format 43.6 MB

Gameplay Video (fullscreen recommended):

Guardians of the Arena

Status: Technical Alpha 

Description: 2.5D Networked arena multiplayer game

Development Date: Fall 2014 - Winter 2015

Development Timeline: 20 weeks

Team Size: 4

My Position: Designer + Producer

My Responsibilities:

  • Battle and Setup scene layout
  • Unit Design & Implementation
  • Team Organization & Task Delegation
  • UI Scripting and Client-side Networking

Language: C# (Client and Server)

Platform: PC

Game Design Document: View on GoogleDocs

Game State Diagram: View on GoogleDocs

Interface State Diagram: View on GoogleDocs